Everything is for Sale

By Dino Sossi

Everything is for Sale


About dinosossi

I produced media for AOL, CBS newsmagazine “60 Minutes,” CNN, the New York Times, the United Nations, & Viacom’s vh1. My documentaries have screened at festivals in New York and Los Angeles, universities like Berkeley, Cambridge, Columbia, Harvard, Oxford, and Pennsylvania, and the UN's NYC headquarters. My work has been broadcast on CBC, CTV, Discovery USA, Globe & Mail, IFC, Life, MTV Canada, MuchMoreMusic, One, Pridevision, and PrimeTV. My storytelling has been exhibited at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. I taught at Adelphi, Columbia, NYU, CUNY, & The College of New Jersey. I have performed storytelling at the Moth StorySLAM in New York. Please contact me at dds285@nyu.edu or www.dinosossi.com
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